Morpho takes off

Morpho Luxury Asset Management - Powerboat

Photo: Simon Kidner

Take a look at the picture. Notice anything? Well, the first – and probably the most important – thing is that the boat Silverline is not actually in the water at all, it’s above it.

And, no, it’s not hovering – that’s just freeze frame photography – it’s bouncing, which is what powerboats driven by father and son team Drew and Alister Langdon tend to do. It’s a function of driving on water at speeds of up to 120mph.

The second thing you might notice is the Morpho logo on the bow.

Morpho sponsored the Langdon’s Bullet Offshore Racing team in the world’s oldest powerboat race at the end of August – the Cowes Classic 2014, the annual Cowes Torquay Cowes Offshore race, founded by venerated newspaper man Sir Max Aitken way back in 1961.

The Bullets did pretty well. They were placed first in the class A category; 3rd overall on the Cowes to Torquay leg; and 7th overall in the race (technical problems, but let’s not get into that). And Ali won the Penthouse Trophy for being the youngest driver from Cowes to Torquay and back.

Morpho’s founder and chief executive, Neil Richmond, was there to cheer them on, of course. But not actually … er … on course.

From somewhere on the Isle of Wight, he reports excellent ice cream from “happy Jersey cows” and what he describes as “a hopsy and aromatic” Ale of Wight libation, which he discovered by accident. Oh, and the deep thrill of the race, which just blew him away.

Mr Richmond is a huge fan of the British Powerboat Racing Club, which organises this annual event, and of the prestigious Royal Yacht Squadron – where lunch was served and where the current Lord Beaverbrook (Commodore of the BPRC) gave a speech about the race.

The Royal Yacht Squadron – patron HM Queen Elizabeth II, Admiral Prince Philip – is based at Cowes Castle on the Isle of Wight and has beautiful gardens with exceptional views of the Solent. The Castle was built in 1539 by King Henry VIII to deter the French; the squadron was founded in 1815.

Morpho also sponsored the team’s powerboat Silverline Fountain in the high profile Ibiza Mediterranean Grand Prix a week later.

Morpho Luxury Asset Management - Powerboat team

Photo: Tim Tapping

Morpho Luxury Asset Management - powerboat Silverline

Bullet Offshore Racing team’s powerboat Silverline preparing for the race in front of the prestigious Royal Yacht Squadron